Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD

Reno 100 Most Influential People.
Superhero award for work in Medicine including FMTVDM (FlemingMethod).
June 27, 2013.
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Richard M.
In 1994, Dr. Fleming presented to the American Heart Association his "theory" that cardiovascular disease was due to inflammation. What was theory in 1994 has become well known fact for decades and was highlighted in 2004,with a feature on ABC's 20/20 News.
Patent # 9566037 was issued to Dr. Fleming on February 14, 2017.
The Fleming Method patent (FMTVDM) covers ALL methods and devices able to measure metabolic and regional blood flow differences. This breakthrough made it possible to differentiate functionality of tissue, tissue types as well as non-tissue, and the measurement of treatment response using all isotopes, enhancing agents and devices capable of detecting and measuring isotopes.
Developing technology that disrupts the methods of conventional medicine is not always welcomed. Especially when that technology would half the revenue a $20 billion nuclear isotope industry. When physicians bring innovation to medicine, complaints to medical boards often follow along with court cases, which is why it's called, "Disruptive Technology."
His knowledge and patent enables previously undetectable inflammation to be seen and measured with levels of accuracy not found in most common scanning and technologies or devices.
The real genius behind nuclear imaging is that it provides a physiologic measure of what is going on in the body. This can be used to differentiate benign versus cancerous cells, to determine how cancer will respond to treatment, or to find hidden diseases that appears non-existent.
With the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this technology could prove to be an integral tool to determine areas of viral attack and associated immune response leading to potential
InflammoThrombotic Response (ITR).
You cannot and will not make America healthy again using pseudoscience.
The attacks upon my work followed submission of research showing how different diets influenced heart disease. That work was attacked by people who couldn't attack the science so they did ad hominem attacks upon me. This research was never retracted but was instead withdrawn and submitted to a different journal that had originally requested it.
Now that we are in February (Heart Month) 2025 and Go Red for Women (the wife of a friend of mine coined this phrase when her husband was president of the American Heart Association; AHA) it's time to re-share a podcast from 2024. You can also find my work on 20/20 dating back to 2004 when the "Stop Inflammation Now!" book was released.
The research includes the scientific building of a theory that is now accepted scientific fact based upon the results of decades of research and the InflammoThrombotic Response (ITR) Disease (ITRD) Theory first presented at the AHA Scientific Sessions in 1994.
As my friend Dr. Denton Cooley would frequently say, making this information available to people wouldn't result in his losing business. People will continue to follow the diets they want to be right - not the ones proven to be right.
Making America Health Again doesn't begin with beef tallow and removing red dye #2 from food isn't going to stop cancer.
If you really want to be Healthy Again, listen and share this broadcast as if your life or the life of someone you love or care about depends upon it; because it does.