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Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD
Using Fleming Method (FMTVDM) for Cancer Detection and Treatment Evaluation.
The following information concentrates on Breast Cancer where more than a decade of FMTVDM research has focused on diagnosing and measuring causes and treatment response.
FMTVDM can be used for diagnostic measurement of any type of cancer using planar, SPECT, PET or SQUID measurements provided by FMTVDM. Once obtained, FMTVDM can be used to determine whether a specific treatment or treatments is/are working for any individual, by actually "measuring" the effect a treatment is having on the person's cancer or pre-cancer.
Differences between dead tissue (where the cells are metabolically inactive - dead), mineral deposits like calcium (including where calcium has leaked out of dead cells), normal living tissue (with normal metabolism and blood flow), infected and inflammed (InflammoThrombotic Response; ITR) areas of the body with increased metabolic activity due to white blood cells coming to the site of infection or inflammation to address the problem, or cancer with its increased metabolic activity and resulting increase in blood flow to provide nutrients to the cancer and remove wast products; can all be differentiated by MEASURING (Quantifying)
1. Metabolic Differences
which result in
2. Regional Blood Flow Differences
Required to address the Increased Metabolic needs of that area (tissue) of the body.
This is What Fleming Method measures.
By Measuring these Metaboic & Regional Blood Flow Differences (RBFDs) Fleming Method can not only find Heart Disease Sooner and Determine if Treatment is Working, Fleming Method can also find changes leading up to CANCER sooner allowing for easier & potentially less toxic or harmful treatments.
Fleming Method distinguishes between dead, normal, infected, inflammed, and cancer. Once defined FMTVDM can be used to determine if treatment is working; saving time, money, and lives with improved quality and quantity of life.
A Few of the Published Research Papers on Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Testing (BEST). Today, BEST is one of the many components of Fleming Method also known as FMTVDM.
Some of the Problems with Tests that are Visually (Qualitatively) Interpreted Are False Negative and False Positive Results. The Following Video Explains What this Means.
Making Future Decisions
There's Nothing Easy About Being Told You Have Cancer
Answers and HOPE
The Following Shows an Example of Fleming Method Quantitative Image looking for Breast Cancer (B.E.S.T. Imaging).

The Measured Fleming Method (FMTVDM) Values are Different Depending Upon What Health Problem You are Looking for and How Fleming Method is being Used to Look for that Health Problem.
The Following Graphic Shows Just one of the Fleming Method Approaches to Looking for Cancer. As hypothesized by Gompertz and Laird many decades ago, FMTVDM reveals for the first time that cancer undergo a quadratic (curvilinear) growth curve. This information along with the absolute measurements made with FMTVDM allow further determination of where a cancer is on its growth cycle, as well as measurements of treatment success or failure.
The Results of this Research Confirmed A Curvilinear Change with Cancer Growth Cycles Occurring Slowly at First and Then Accelerating as Measured and Shown in the Graphic Below.
Fleming RM, Fleming MR, Chaudhuri TK, Dooley WC. Independent Study Validating FMTVDM Measurements of Breast Cancer and Transitional Tissue Changes with Confirmation of Gompertz Function & Laird Model. Inter J Res Studies Med & Health Sci. 2019;4(10):21-26. ISSN:2456-6373

An Example of Three Different Patients Fleming Method Results are Shown Below Along with What was Seen Using Ductoscopy by Going Through the Nipple Duct.

Finally We Can Measure and Compare Changes in Breast Tissue Over Time.
In the Following Fleming Method Imaging Studies You Can See a Worsening of Breast Health Occurring over Two Years as the MCA values Increased over time despite treatment.
The Proposed Treatment for This Woman FAILED !

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