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A Few of My Publications

  1. Fleming RM., Kirkeeide RL, Taegtmeyer H, Adyanthaya A, Cassidy DB, Goldstein RA. A Comparison of Technetium 99-m Teboroxime Tomography to Automated Quantitative Coronary Arteriography and Thallium - 201 SPECT. J Am Coll. Cardiol. 1991;17:1297-1302.


May 1991: This was the first SPECT paper on Teboroxime. An experimental technetium isotope being used to find heart disease. This is also one of the first papers to compare nuclear imaging with an absolute measurement of heart disease removing human error.

2. Fleming RM., Kirkeeide RL, Smalling RW, Gould KL. Patterns in Visual Interpretation of Coronary Arteriograms as Detected by Quantitative Coronary Arteriography. J Am Coll. Cardiol. 1991;18:945- 951.


October 1991: This research demonstrated the errors occurring in physician interpretation of coronary artery disease and the patient consequences resulting from those errors.

3. Fleming RM, Gaede, R. Training Physicians and Health Care Providers to Accurately Read Coronary Arteriograms. Angiology 1996;47(4):349-359.


April 1996: This paper confirmed the errors made by physicians interpreting visual images of coronary artery disease and demonstrated the first training program capable of correcting those errors.  

4. Fleming RM, Boyd L, Forster M. Reversing Heart Disease in the New Millennium - The Fleming Unified Theory, Angiology 2000;51(10):617-629.


August 2000: This study looked at treating the various causes of coronary artery disease inflammation as first presented by myself at the 1994 American Heart Association Conference. Dietary and lifestyle changes that improved these inflammatory factors reversed coronary artery disease while those that increased these inflammatory factors made coronary artery disease worse. 

5. Fleming RM. Coronary Artery Disease is More than Just Coronary Lumen Disease. Amer J Card 2001;88:599-600.


September 1, 2001: Coronary artery disease (CAD) and chest pain from heart disease (angina) are the result of regional blood flow differences caused by the inability of a coronary artery to relax and increase its blood flow due to inflammation in the walls of the arteries.

6. Fleming RM, Harrington GM, Baqir R, Jay S, Sridevi Challapalli, Avery K, Green J. The Evolution of Nuclear Cardiology takes Us Back to the Beginning to Develop Today’s “New Standard of Care” for Cardiac Imaging: How Quantifying Regional Radioactive Counts at 5 and 60 Minutes Post-Stress Unmasks Hidden Ischemia. Methodist DeBakey Cardiovascular Journal (MDCVJ) 2009;5(3):42-48. PMID: 20308963.


2009: The investigation and demonstration that critical coronary artery disease is being missed using the nuclear imaging guidelines promulgated by the manufacturers of nuclear imaging isotopes and supported by the FDA. These errors can be corrected by accurately measuring changes in movement (redistribution) of these isotopes and by imaging patients sooner. This results in less radiation being given to the patient, shorter imaging times, and the accurate diagnosis of coronary artery disease-saving time, money, radiation and lives.

7. Fleming RM, Harrington GM, Baqir R, Jay S, Challapalli S, Avery K, Green J. Renewed Application of an Old Method Improves Detection of Coronary Ischemia. A Higher Standard of Care. Federal Practitioner 2010;27:22.


June 2010: Published in the Federal Government’s only Peer reviewed Medical Journal, This study showed “The diagnostic utility of traditional nuclear cardiac imaging is enhanced by using modern technology to compare absolute regional

radioactive counts at two points in time during stress/stress testing.”

8. Fleming RM. Harrington GM. The Nuclear Imaging Uncertainty Principle. Do Nuclear Cameras Really Work? Nature Precedings []


October 14, 2010: This paper shows a number of errors currently made in the field of nuclear imaging resulting from a failure to quantitatively calibrate nuclear cameras and accurately measure regional differences in isotope. Correcting these errors are critical if physicians are to remove nuclear camera and visual interpretation errors interfering with patient care and management.

10. Fleming RM, Fleming MR, McKusick A, Chaudhuri T. FMTVDM-TFM©â„—: True Quantification requires Standardization of the tool being used to Measure, with a Known, Unchanging Standard to produce accurate, consistent and reproducible Quantified Measurements. J Nucl Card 2018, DOI:10.1007/s12350-018-1343-3. PMID: 29923099; DOI:10.1007/s12350-019-01807-8.


June 19, 2018: This publication corrects much of the misunderstanding currently plaguing nuclear imaging of the heart; including misinformation about the redistribution of technetium isotopes and the use of the terms stress and rest.

13. Sheikh A. Evolution of Quantification in Clinical Nuclear Medicine: A Brief Overview of Salient Uses and Upcoming Trends. J Nucl Med Radiat Ther 9: 375. DOI:10.4172/2155-9619.1000375.


September 21, 2018: Dr. Sheikh, Co-director of Nuclear Imaging at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University defines the importance of changes in nuclear imaging from qualitative to quantitative measurement of heart disease and cancer. He specifically discusses FMTVDM as the “Emerging Horizon.”

15. Fleming RM, Fleming MR, Chaudhuri TK, McKusick A. Quantitative Stress-Redistribution Sequential Imaging Optimizes MPI with the lowest dose of radiation per patient. BMJ Open Quality 2019;8:e000774. DOI:10.1136/bmjoq-2019-000774.


August 24, 2019: This paper brief discusses the important benefits for patient care by understanding and measuring isotope redistribution (movement) over time. Timing, redistribution and accurate measurement of that redistribution is critical to improve patient care.

16. Fleming RM, Fleming MR, Chaudhuri TK, McKusick A. First Patented Quantitative Molecular Imaging Method for Detection and Measurement of CAD and Cancer. ACTA Scientific Pharm Sci 2019;3(9):30-32.


September 9, 2019: This paper discusses the importance of quantitative FMTVDM nuclear imaging to define the extent of health for any given individual on an absolute “Health-Spectrum” instead of merely looking for disease. Thus, providing the first tool to measure both an individual’s state of health as well as that individual’s unique response to a treatment.

17. Fleming RM, Fleming MR, Chaudhuri TK, Dooley WC. Reno Cardiologist Confirms FMTVDM – Opening New Opportunities for Nuclear Cardiologists. Clin Med Rev & Reports. 2019;1(1):1-4. DOI:10.31579/CMRR/2019/001.


December 10, 2019: Independent validation by Reno Cardiologist of FMTVDM’s ability to quantify changes in Breast Tissue by measuring regional blood flow and metabolic changes in tissue.

18. Fleming RM, Fleming MR, Dooley WC, Chaudhuri TK. Invited Editorial. The Importance of Differentiating Between Qualitative, Semi-Quantitative and Quantitative Imaging – Close Only Counts in Horseshoes. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2020;47(4):753-755. DOI:10.1007/s00259-019-04668-y.


January 17, 2020: Recognition by #1 Ranked Nuclear Imaging Journal in the World of FMTVDM’s unique AI quantitative measurement of heart disease, cancer and other health problems. Separating FMTVDM from qualitative and semi-quantitative Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging.

19. Fleming RM, Fleming MR, Chaudhuri TK. In theory – Sharing AI’s black box sounds great – But in reality it’s not.” J Cardiovasc Med Cardiol 2020;7(1):002-003.


January 27, 2020: Understanding the importance of controlling the release of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. The paper briefly discusses safeguards currently in place to prevent FMTVDM from being used by those who would manipulate the information available from FMTVDM.

20. Fleming RM, Fleming MR. Fleming Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease SARS-CoV-2 Proposed Treatment Protocol. Initial COVID Hydroxychloroquine Failure Responds to Interferon α-2β and Tocilizumab. J Clin Med Imag 2020;5(3):1-3.


November 23, 2020: An examination of why a patient with SARS-CoV-2 developed COVID-19 after being treated with the aminoquinoline Hydroxychloroqine and the final treatment that worked.

21. Fleming RM, Fleming MR. Preliminary Results of Tocilizumab and Interferon α-2β Treatment of SARS-CoV-2. J Clin Med Imag 2020;5(3):1-4.


November 23, 2020: A review of several patients who initially appeared to fail aminoquinoline outpatient treatment and the treatment combinations that successfully treated their COVID-19.

22. Fleming RM, Fleming MR. FMTVDM Quantitative Nuclear Imaging finds Three Treatments for SARS-CoV-2. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res. 2021;33(4):26041-26083. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.33.005443.


February 8, 2021: The first published Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) looking at multiple treatments for individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 who developed the clinical disease COVID-19. The research study explains the role of FMTVDM and a variety of treatments used in the study and their outcomes.

23. Fleming RM, Fleming MR. SARS-CoV-2 Treatment Regimen Based Upon the Fleming Inflammation & Cardiovascular Disease Theory. Accepted Chinese Medical Journal October 27, 2020. (Awaiting publication date.)


Currently Awaiting publication: This paper discusses the original 1994 Fleming Inflammation and Heart Disease Theory that explains the role of Infectious diseases including SARS-CoV-2 and the consequential InflammoThrombotic Response (ITR) resulting in the death of individuals with COVID-19. It also explains why specific treatments are needed to prevent those deaths.

© 2021 by Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD  All rights reserved. 

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