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EVENT 2021: What if the People You Trust are the People Causing the Problem?

  1. EVENT 2021 is a Presentation Given in Dallas, TX, USA on 5 June 2021


This roughly 4-hour presentation included the following pdf slide presentation discussing the Origins of SARS-CoV-2, Medical Treatments, Information about "The Drug Vaccines" and What you can do about much of this.


The slides present published research, patents and information about who funded the development of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and what this means for you, your family and friends, the Nation, and ultimately the World.

  2. Part 1 of the Materials Shown During Presentation


The pdfs for "The Pathogenesis of Vascular Disease" and Autopsy Findings of COVID-19 patients.

  3. Part 2 of the Materials Shown During Presentation


The pdf for "FMTVDM Quantitative Nuclear Imaging finds Three Treatments for SARS-CoV-2"

  4. Part 3 of the Materials Shown During Presentation


The pdfs for Osaka ADE Study, Viremia, Pfizer Japanese Report, and Circulating Vaccine Antigens - including the Nucleocapsid - report.

  5. Part 4 of the Materials Shown During Presentation


The pdf of the Moderna mRNA Vaccine study done published in 2017 showing LNP mRNA Vaccines do NOT stay at the site of injection.

  6. Part 5 of the Materials Shown During Presentation


The pdf for the US Health & Human Services AND FDA "Guidance for Industry" on Shedding of Viral and Bacterial Based "Gene Therapy" published August 2015.


The pdf "RNAs That Behave Like Prions" paper discussing how genetic material like RNA can behave like a PRION.

© 2021 by Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD  All rights reserved. 

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