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Fleming Method

Using the Knowledge Acquired over Two Decades
Differentiating Tissue Based Upon Fleming Method Measurements of Metabolic & Regional Blood Flow Differences (RBFDs), Fleming Method (FMTVDM)
Can Also be Used to Measure Changes in Tissue looking for Infection and Inflammation/Blood Clotting
(InflammoThrombotic Response - ITR)
to the Infection.

Like Heart Disease and Cancer, FMTVDM, can be used both for diagnosis but also measurement of success or failure of treatment(s).
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Using Fleming Method 1800 People Were Studied After Becoming Infected with SARS-CoV-2, Measuring Both the Severity of Their COVID-19 Disease and Their Treatment Responses.

Patients Admitted to Hospital with COVID-19 Underwent Fleming Method in Addition to Other Tests to Measure Tissue COVID-19 Severity and Tissue Response to Treatments.

The Following is the result of Fleming Method Evaluation of COVID-19 Severity and Treatment Response in One of Those Patients.

Fleming Method Measurements Showed a Failure of the Patient to Initially Respond to Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin. She Responded when Methylprednisolone was Added to her Treatment Regimen.

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On 8 September 2022
The first National/International Medical Conference,
The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology,
Released the Results of Published Research
Looking at Successful Treatments for
SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
Using FMTVDM/Fleming Method

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Figures Explaining Sites of Drug Effect & Mechanism of Action.

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